Carton — similar artists: the blackjacks, snailface, vomitface, the fabulous knuckerholes, tv torso, johnny angel wendell, creeps in exile, city thrills, would-be-goods, solar halos, jake mckelvie & the countertops, american royalty, released 1985, tony touch presents..., crush kill destroy, untouchables nyc, toby summerfield, cool tv, the zags, indianola, hearing from the gap, pretty please, red hex, drug yacht, united fruit, alpha cop, slippertails, dearly beloveds, first rate people, never enough hope, violent hippy records, horizontal hold, housewives on prozac, nun of the below, the wheel on my back, midnight plus one, anton hatwich, constant lovers, summerfield trio plus aram shelton, the ginger group, blindspot trio, poignant plecostomus, the atlas pop company, jaw, owen beverly and indianola, joey cook, the foetals, "crystal methuselah"., cold cream, the dearly beloveds, she rides/dripping slits, drug pizza, object hours, peter nichols, princess princess, the ax, cellos,