abhoria — similar artists: abhoria, mordant rapture, apogean, demon king, carrion vael, symbolik, aronious, the devils of loudun, unflesh, the odious construct, soreption, devils reef, astralborne, the zenith passage, dessiderium, lascaille's shroud, a wake in providence, pronostic, uhtcearu, arcane existence, foretoken, serpents oath, distention, exocrine, dark matter secret, ashen horde, hannes grossmann, Caratucay, spectrum of delusion, helfró, dream void, inanimate existence, solus ex inferis, circle of dead children, machinations of fate, temple of dread, hatalom, zac leaser, a loathing requiem, vitrified entity, nixil, virulent depravity, ominous ruin, infera bruo, virvum, gates to the morning, kill division, equipoise, light dweller, rannoch, volcandra, spheron, wastewalker, crown magnetar, cognizance, akhenaten, where deprivation lies,