abject+mentor — similar artists: temple of dread, vadiat, reverence to paroxysm, nightbearer, shards of humanity, berzerker legion, static abyss, necrom, amorbital, hibernus mortis, morgue walker, sarvekas, metaphobic, testimony records, Obscenity, carnal ghoul, vincent crowley, tumulation, third storm, vaticinal rites, bloody redemption, to descend, pandemic outbreak, creeping flesh, kever, casket grinder, serpents oath, night hag/burial, exsul, apocalyptic fear, abysmalist, ensanguinate, décryptal, shapeless being, in nothingness, abject mentor, corrupter, blasphemathory, rebaelliun, toxaemia, machinations of fate, abythic, cemetery dwell, deimler, horrisonous, pulchra morte, house by the cemetary, concubia nocte, eteritus, GRISLY, vomit ritual, repuked, deathcollectoruk, ghoulhouse, psionic madness, exaugurate, noxis/cavern womb,