after+the+bombs â similar artists: after the bombs, warkrusher, nocturnal scum, zygome, d-sagawa, the lousy, dishönor, terminal filth, genogeist, death evocation, skullnbone, barren soil, war ripper, napalm raid, kazmer, deviated instinct, the diskonected, ultrarat, agnosy, swordwielder, parasytes, ahna, femacoffin, dethfox, nuclear death terror, inepsy, st 009, lebenden toten, ćć·çè
(paranoid), dislies, instinct of survival, savage pleasure, snÀggletooth, trench warfare, hellish view, cimiterium, sexface, storm of sedition, jag out!, ultrarat - ratcage, rataa, loud night, runstate tapes, niños rata, black uniforms, nexul, apÀrÀ, step to freedom, kinetic orbital strike, black blood invocation, pink turds in space, youth brigade, lifeless dark, terminal conquest, alement, cpu rave, absolut,