anatomi-71 — similar artists: sordid dogs, disapprove, genocide pact, agnosy, occultist, dödläge, loud night, nocturnal scum, kool & the gang bangers, murray (the cretin) acton, from ashes rise, röntgen, disphoria, stocked records, lose lose, wolfbeast destroyer, visions of fuckin war, creeping flesh, d-sagawa, ursut, nuclear death terror, gristnam, grindcore tribute to motörhead 2017, grindcore tribute to ramones 2018, romasa, discommand, zygome, voidhanger, larma, pisscharge, disclone, oes galliath, systemik viølence, population reduction, kieltolaki, psyk ward, warsick, hellish view, dissekerad, dishönor, kvoteringen, woundvac, absolut, genogeist, project gbg, black market kidney surgeon, the dayglo abortions, kromosom, lebenden toten, totälickers, the persecuted, katastrof, hospitalet, dirty charlie, in defence, bombardment, blood ties,