andarugo — similar artists: warez waldo, MONODEER, nmlstyl, for astronauts and satellites, chrome cobra, boaconstructor, doomcloud, bit crushed, dboyd, business pastel, little-scale, L-tron, chipocrite, glenntai, truthr, oxygenstar, storm blooper, Cyanide Dansen, nullsleep, ap0c, guérin, bryface, hexadeci, ultrasyd, chema64, nnnnnnnnnn, chiptunes4autism, crashfaster, harleylikesmusic, brick brker, monomatt, awesome force, don'tblinkoryou'lldie, muzak efron, bleeplove, chip for cancer, little sound assembly, my two robodads, handheld heroes, g l o o m s, cheap dinosaurs, hypnogram, corset lore, cymba, hizmi, steady c, DEFENSE MECHANISM, yes, mayhem, str8-bit, trey frey, bright primate, dauragon, Game Genie Sokolov, andarugo, p0cky br0s, stagediver, Laffe the Fox,