annexation — similar artists: annexation, project pain, taskforce toxicator, devastruction, toxic carnage, untimely demise, killing, reactory, temple of dread, nightbearer, antipeewee, exalter, perpetratör, nuckin' futs, refore, exxperior, Ravager, objector, torn fabriks, battlecreek, exekution, chemicide, nocturnal witch, aggravator, crimson slaughter, pure massacre, amken, rippr'd, chainbreäker, crisix, hidden intent, extinctcide, riffobia, convulsis, skulled, prayers of sanity, the bleeding, erasement, incinery, annihilation process, deathblow, toxic ruin, amorphia, mental slavery, fusion bomb, create a kill, bloodkill, blessed curse, bloodvale, comaniac, mindtaker, ascendor, violent creek records, heretic warfare, tulsadoom, mentally defiled vs evil army, total annihilation,