apparition — similar artists: décryptal, abysmalist, exsul, reverence to paroxysm, Cystic, congealed putrescence, unembalmed, reeking aura, decaying crypt, severed boy, regurgitated guts, kever, tumulation, shapeless being, immersed in pain, grotesqueries, exaugurate, oreamnos, warp chamber, invincible force, zous, psionic madness, vrenth, metaphobic, gutvoid, carnal ruin, vadiat, paingiver, perihelion gnosis, ritual necromancy, writhing shadows, impetuous burial, father befouled/exaugurate, disfuneral, blood spore, Innumerable Forms, pukewraith, morgue walker, universally estranged, noxis/cavern womb, phrenelith, night hag/burial, carcinoid, kontusion, static abyss, wombcage, sedimentum, vaticinal rites, cerebral rot, disembodiment, out of the mouth of graves, phobocosm, Caratucay, theophonos, gurgling gore, cadaveribus, somatic decay,