arise+the+titan — similar artists: the hopewell furnace, one more victim, endless affliction, timeless wounds, Disfiguring The Goddess, decimated humans, the overmind, altered perceptions, a trust unclean, chainsaw castration, cannibal grandpa, man made god, to obey a tyrant, i exalt, begging for incest, separatist, conducting from the grave, labyrinthe, point below zero, circle of dead children, the partisan turbine, invert the idols, flawed saviour, as karma brings, coprobaptized cunthunter, vena sera, impulsive gluttony, genocide district, pestilectomy, abhorrent aggression, mother morgue, samskarasmetal, vinnytsia fatalities, embodiment of onslaught, boris the blade, omens of plague, accursed kingdom, kossuth, luck wont save you, carnal abhorrence, incestuous impregnation, bind the sacrifice, fuck you and die, dethrone the deceiver, a night at the chalet, dawn of leviathan, drain of impurity, before the harvest, arcane existence, and vomit, botfly infestation, catatonic profanation, apotheon, a night in the abyss, despondent, solus ex inferis, dawn of dementia,