arkas — similar artists: boru, yrre, franz treichler, nicolas pittet, /a\ - emilie zoé, christian garcia-gaucher, the flying raclettes, svarts, fvnerals, hegy, emilie zoé, kunz, fire + ice, Képzelt Város, arsames, a dog called ego, actress x london contemporary orchestra, the fawn, devoye, edmond jefferson, coilguns, barow, red kunz, gospelheim, fortíð, autisti [louis jucker, dold vorde ens navn, gravels [louis jucker, charlie bernath], etienne machine, st. michael front, aswekeepsearching, welington irish black warrior, symbol & the sound, ash is a robot, icare, Project90, peppone [louis jucker, philippe henchoz], da soul boyz, anna morgan, io baur], navette [louis jucker, Deine Lakaien, silikat, the dead radio [louis jucker, marylène furrer], kassette, Dymna Lotva, msrblflr, closet disco queen, kinit her, arð, the old wind, louis jucker, barús, bad bugs,