ascian — similar artists: ascian, northern crown, void of sleep, glare of the sun, bull elephant, naturmacht productions, sinistral king, polemicist, voidhaven, exgenesis, foretoken, perihelion gnosis, towards atlantis lights, sinister downfall, void dancer, 殞煞 vengeful spectre, helllight, můra, urferd, cellar vessel, bohemyst, flame, dear flame, modern rites, lux incerta, stoned god, apotelesma, dawn fades, slowfall, ghosts of glaciers, asphodelus, opera diabolicus, black wreath, funeral void, azaab, vainaja, black revelation, death of giants, fustilarian, ianai, btk (bind torture kill), shattered hope, evohe, nero or the fall of rome, praise the plague, revelations of rain, ars onirica, voidhra, profetus, urnscent, burial choir, lebensnacht, paisaunt, black moon mother, psycho toaster, torrens conscientium, solitude productions, ekklesiast,