asocial+distortion — similar artists: f*cking angry, hass auf alles, schlecht, rockstar records, vicious mistress records, the warzone collective, sabré, hyäne, panzerband, misanthropic minds, the runts, chip hanna, resistenz '32, state funeral, the bloodtypes, bad luck charms, komplikations, nightmen, freedom assault, nancy boi!, impfmuffel, novotny tv, orchestrated dystopia records, the dui's, mexican wolfboys, angerboys, vorwahl ost rec, stulle, sickpig, rilrec family, sommerset, the hacked, menschabstinenz, vivisected numbskulls, notgemeinschaft peter pan, pretty hurts, schöner sterben mit heroin & korn, hounds of war, the officials, quader, ersatzkopf, hc baxxter, violent traditions, marode, konny kleinkunstpunk, ichsucht [2009-2019], the dead end kids, alles.scheisze, the lost tapes, doom town, asocial distortion, party at the bleach house, when there is none, kackschlacht, new science projects, burnout ostwest, derby dolls,