b-ward — similar artists: kadeadkas, b-ward, ugly shadows, readership hostile, virgin in veil, the bellicose minds, der himmel, radio scarlet, crimson scarlet, malefixio, witch will die, vueltas, shadow to ashes, medusa stare, moral hex, my own burial, cruz de navajas, Echo People, the creeping terrors, tomb of love, a black people, adrenochrome, endora y sus vicios, the cemetary girlz, oscuridad eterna, dystopian society, esses, drezden, carnal machinery, smoke and spotlight compilations, naughty zombies, the waning moon, sisters of shaddowwe, cult strange, hævner, dead born babies, dehet sinn, bleakness, pure mourning, padkarosda, veil vitric, attic frost, pawns, guillotine dream, ritual order, burning gates, cierń, scary black, ex-diel, void // gist, polyverso, the bluebeard's castle, night people, desenterradas, product kf, vision of the void, mystic priestess,