basically+nancy — similar artists: basically nancy, the casket girls, shouldies, the marshmallow ghosts, graveface records & curiosities, casket girls, the creek freaks, rude dude, dreamend, bummerville, monster movie, precocious neophyte, velvet gentleman, haley bonar, marshmallow ghosts, gem trails, monteagle, whispertown, hospital ships, tjutjuna, woodsman, valley gals, daturah, the loose salute, the lava children, white dwarfs, stardeath, o-yama, Fire Talk, skippy spiral, corey flood, media jeweler, brothers griiin, chuck cirino, Tiger Tsunami, PURE X, moon attendant, packs, nixon mask, curtin, special explosion, blue water white death, deeper, earring, perry monroe, murals, fawning, Topshelf Records, gold dime, closeness, sonia rutstein, mamalarky, blind mr. jones, spirit crush, dehd, experimental aircraft, mandy, indiana,