batshit+crazy — similar artists: wraths, a gathering of none, tohc83, brendan kelly, red city radio, yankee brutal, send more paramedics, angry snowmans, the war goes on, the theatre zombies, murderland, gallowmere, the estranged, children of october, vintage war, The Damned, dead ending, horror-punks [r.i.p.], hard action, abby gundersen, 45 adapters, shadow windhawk and the morticians, masked intruder, knock off, the reanimated, evelyn's casket, the gobshites, punk aid, darrow chemical company, protex, 5¢ freakshow, the drowns, orchestrated dystopia records, dark ride, hybrid moments, metalleg, kilmaine saints, horror section, the bouncing souls, the renfields, broadway calls, the officials, zombiesuckers, VICE SQUAD, black cat attack, the all brights, elway, dr. spookenstein, die ghost, brendan kelly and the wandering birds, dog company, down by law, dirty dead, artcore fanzine, flag on fire, buzzbomb, the falcon,