black+vul+destruktor — similar artists: kever, thy feeble saviour, nexul, invincible force, horrisonous, antiversum, rites of thy degringolade, destruktor, abominator, armoured angel, slutvomit, black blood invocation, nocturnal blood, vorum, necromaniac, chaos inception, diavolos, funerus, cemetery lust, denouncement pyre, dead in the manger, infernal sacrament, profetus, concilivm, obscure evil, scumripper, ellorsith/mannveira, creeping flesh, crurifragium, inisans, impure consecration, in obscurity revealed, bestial raids, coffin lust, purtenance, morbid slaughter, the haunting presence, invocation spells, into darkness (italy), obscure burial, baneful storm, black vul destruktor, abysmalist, putrisect, vesicant, blood chalice, vasaeleth, violent hammer, walpurgia, degial, spectral apparition, ljosazabojstwa, titaan, beastiality, nekus, boethiah, dire omen,