blaze+of+perdition — similar artists: metalhit, funerus, enevelde, graveland, nastrond, issolei, ondskapt, cobalt 60, darvaza, deathronation, vorum, maniac butcher, colosseum, miasmal, dying out flame, deathraiser, Necrotorture, flesh consumed, necros christos, desecrecy, owls woods graves, pillars of crucifixion, cssaba, perforated limb, sig:a:tyr, nahar, drastus, corpus mortale, martyrvore, ferocity, lvme, whoredom rife, aetherius obscuritas, nyksta, necronomicon beast, pohjast, murder made god, fanisk, carnivore diprosopus, aegeon, hordes of the morning star, immolith, down from the wound, bitter peace, spellcraft, infernal revulsion, birth through gore, leshak, terratur possessions, massemord, fornace, gore blast, manegarm, kriegsmaschine, mangled atrocity, death like mass, temple of baal,