bleed+the+pigs — similar artists: bleed the pigs, rape revenge, toxic carnage, asunder, the comes, tankcrimes, occultist, titan to tachyons, stygian ruin, extremity, rats in the wall, the halo benders, iancu dumitrescu, obsessor, graves at sea, the secret, space streakings, q and not u, euphoriadic, mangled state, colonial wound, trenchgrinder, storm of sedition, limp wrist, Cephalic Carnage, noothgrush, boris with merzbow, bädr vogu, o' god the white whale, dyke drama, capitalist casualties, jarhead fertilizer, bled to submission, whorehouse of representatives, combat wounded veteran, noothgrush/suppression, not a cost, underer, shakuhachi surprise, neil hamburger, escuela grind, pulsatile tinnitus, holy terror, bali gamelan samples, SEAL TEAM 666, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, dahliad, in her rotten cheek, james doesn't exist, clawing, oscillation overthruster, ultracide, ultimate bastard, yokozuna-bot, diminished men, japanese torture comedy hour, zenseiderz,