candy+highway — similar artists: candy highway, the prissteens, the darling buds, the witch fingers, virvon varvon, the bristols, myrmidons, the buzzards, the very best of sister tiffany lee linnes, coachwhips, germ house, destructos, golden starlet, star party, uk gold, damaged bug, the maxines, the politicians, towanda, dum dum girls, abjects, true sons of thunder, theee retail simps, adulkt life, l i t h i c s, collate, hood rats, sweeping promises, cdg, model zero, all hits, howlin' banana bands, guardian singles, jack oblivian and the sheiks, Mr. Airplane Man, added dimensions, the nits, garbage disposal union, belly jelly, the primate five vs the traditional fools, thee artificial rejects, cb radio gorgeous, choncy, gee tee vee, brad caulkins, brick head, girlsville, slimex, itchy self, becky, feeling figures, greg coates, tom dolas, abi ooze, haunted george, neutrals, mr. teenage,