cas+one+vs+figure — similar artists: cas one vs figure, Dark Time Sunshine, atoms family, flight distance, words hurt, career crooks, the bar, Eyedea & Abilities, danger grove, words hurts, illogic | the sound cultivator, the 5 o'clock shadow boxers, taintedaudio, a7pha, cecil otter, a loud heart, lucid optics = lucid logic, the cubbiebear legacy project, Henry Canyons, qwel, rap legend jesse dangerously, Astronautalis, the fourager's club, cadalack ron, the kleenrz, Mindocracy Recordings, grey sky appeal, Fake Four, Inc., cryptic one, shrapknel, wrecking crew, b. dolan w/ buddy peace, thirsty fish, mixed blood majority, dj t.lo, anonymous inc., crown city rockers, curly castro x fakts one, premrock & fresh kils, sonic sum, Necrofiler, mloski, early adopted, illmac & goldini bagwell, crescentmoon/andrewbroder, cavemen speak, prolyphic, grift company, accela, the man from somewhere else, Sage Francis, premrock, Jesse Dangerously, tommy v, sleep of oldominion, zilla rocca, e l u c i d x haj of dumhi,