cicada+the+burrower — similar artists: hallowed hands, mountains of light, corpser, blue bedroom records, mmhmm, devour every star, cicada the burrower, it's all you, despojo, the fire sermon, 0-nun, salqiu, gadir, quilmoloncm, legion of wolves, illuminated manuscripts, Weightless, summer haze '99, kuddia attalora, nameless void, earthen altar, credo quia absurdum, beyond the grasp of light, symbol of domination prod., thermohaline, turdus eremita, lágrimas, goatchrist, stige, voidthrone, tàmailt, batrakos, cowboy, mural crown, lev'myr, god's bastard, uamh, greyfleshtethered, magicide, crangonyx, sjöhäxan, gwenwyn, iarmhairt, nighthorde, jocund forest, feast of the witch, empyrean vessel, namebearer, vertebrae fetish totem, bergfried, theatruum, electrick hobbit, hircine, hadiqat, naesea, heremita, vitalith,