ciunas — similar artists: sons of southern ulster, in evil hour, a lazarus soul, tadpole records, turnstiles, ciunas, the tokyo rankers, david long & shane o'neill, katie kim, 1981, the warzone collective, bug central, mexican pets, anarchistwood flowers in the dustbin, christ on parade, one morning in august, husbands n knives, foundry folk songs, post punk podge & the technohippies, slow faction, defcon zero, brendan tallon, rum lad, klubber lang, pink turds in space, arrivalists, big boy foolish, anthrax (uk), wat tyler, wags to wytches, first class and coach, the knocking shop, active minds, not our world, windings, orchestrated dystopia records, hedge schools, james carroll, drolle, this is not a drill, radio weirdo, drunken marksman, coral florist, emperor of ice cream, special branch, monsters of the antipodes, supernormal prophets, little l records, la fraction, trouble pilgrims, turn, soft on crime, the next new low, a-heads pedagree skum, 51st state, keeley, cursed murphy versus the resistance,