code+of+conduct — similar artists: seed of pain, simulakra, back to life, ends of sanity, enemy mind, point of contact, code of conduct, eyes of the lord, one down, one in tha chamber, facewreck, avow, divided life, law of power, xregressionsx, Lifeafterdeath, field of flames, plead your case records, mouth for war, cold hard truth, trail of lies, set straight, while god sleeps, cauterize, laid 2 rest, your spirit dies, witness chamber, war by other means, 164 beatdown crew, glass killing floor, never ending game, block war, bed of razors, time 2 pay, fists of fury, vicious embrace, hell of self, caged existence, black my heart, cold as life, typecaste, gridiron, vow of hatred, outta pocket, street soldier, crowd deterrent, pain of truth, torena, kill on sight, excused duty, ekulu, broken vow, blu blaz, all due respect, dominant force, three knee deep, section h8,