cthylla — similar artists: klyvr, forsaken kingdoms, cthylla, old toby, lycan castle, goblin fort, coniferous myst, equipped dagger, dragon spell, pine knight, longsword, equipped dagger | oaken dagger, pvmkyn mage, serpent's isle, new west frequencies, mournful lament, dragonkeep, enchanted stone hammer, count valefar, northmoor, alpine acrobat, wandlimb, fovvl mage, mage...or astro-mage?, the prowler, nocturnal effigy, warped skull, morbærsanger, woolly rhinoceros, cloak bong, mossbridge mage, andeddomeiji, olde mage, dusklight, ancient iron, lycan castle | misery, anonymous skull, viridescent funeral, the rotund spellcaster, luperci mage, unbekannter magier, high mage x kletttermax, nokturnuus, dahulagiri, candle wizard, melancholic orb of night, oaken dagger, high mage, enchanted mail, freiheit x medwegya, einkehr, potioner x dleifdem, vidanges, old mysticism, continuous revelations x high mage, the timecat, forest of orthanc x high mage,