dad rocks! — similar artists: yr friends, yr poetry, big success, mimas, meet me in st louis, blakfish, tangled hair, vasco da gama, suffer like g did, slaughter beach, walter schreifels, secondsmile, all hands_make light, feed me jack, woahnows, the goa express, Dad Rocks!, 6001 hulls, Secular Ghost, tom dickins, for folk's sake, thomas ragsdale, apalusa, rosa valle, tubelord, bluematter, sulk rooms, oompah brass, Tall Ships, gareth hardwick, ffion, audio antihero, all partial, Winterson, the real tuesday weld, johnny foreigner, p jørgensen, the punintentionals, likes lions, Man Without Country, ¡forward, russia!, two way mirrors, death in rome, TV Players, summerman, the jane austen argument, colossal squid, lymbyc systym, olympians, screaming maldini, sulk rooms vs richard arnold, ezra ragsdale, axes, osb, gnarwolves, LAUNDROMAT, the superman revenge squad band,