dead+weight — similar artists: blue black hours, dryasdust, his masters voice - the devils blues, lizard queen, shellfin, mount soma, sonic mass, gorgantherron, space slavery, disrule, parasol caravan, lord montague, SEAL TEAM 666, the acid guide service, fairy duster, the moonshine brand, snake thursday, in her rotten cheek, james doesn't exist, ultracide, oscillation overthruster, ultimate bastard, yokozuna-bot, robot death monkey, i exalt, japanese torture comedy hour, zenseiderz, dj nevermind, no gang colors, godhead lizard, marion barry, sahara surfers, i, detest, mountain dust, stone cadaver, doublestone, s.t.d.f.n., red spektor, bdhw rec., blotter acid eucharist, spirit division, great rift, thirsting for men, orgone accumulators, talib aziiz, p.wrecks, siamese royalty, black leather cop, inerds, kuntpuncher, sufferinfuck, diseksa, bestower, cult of sorrow, woodwall, face your maker, chief of smoke,