destinazione+finale — similar artists: hounds of war, vivisected numbskulls, socio la difekta, nisemono 偽者, Lumpen, perra vida, destripados, misanthropic minds, spirito di lupo, personal damage, kohti tuhoa, unidad ideológica, farmaco, kriegshög, kontaminate, primitive teeth, invertebrates, crucified class, مراة بركان, scalple, larma, blood ties, arrêt, kinetic orbital strike, the war goes on, ztuped, obediencia, mock execution, blazing eye, mara'a borkan, scemo, idiota civilizzato, the lousy, hyäne, nervous ss, necro heads, maladia, yleiset syyt, stunted youth, sycophant, valtatyhjiö, sedition act, lebenden toten, obsessió, sentiero futuro autoproduzioni, exxxon, eterno ritorno, haiboku, kontatto, irreal, open up and bleed recordings, last affront, genogeist, mundo primitivo, violent christians, insane urge, teeny tiny records,