bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

dick+tourette — similar artists: ouest, skeletons out, grivas/zioutos/malevitsis, stelzer/talbot/rawlings, Howard Stelzer, drive the pieces together, hs, barf thoth, tile cassette, mazzagieyn, ok putrid, Cincinnatus C, stelzer, mirror ii rorrim, jason talbot, pregnant spore, dementia and hope trails, blows, steve llama, deaf lions, widow's bath, sick llama, heath moerland, dick tourette, tim albro, full meat jacket, stelzer/murray, panicsville, fag tapes / antartica, justin marc lloyd, gurgelstøck, runzelstirn, johnny switchblade, andy ortmann, water bullet, dim dusk moving gloom, npv, moscow wires, the bohorquez/balogh project, orange shit ball/pregnant spore/1+1=a window, simian washboard, divine shell/justin marc lloyd, white dog/pregnant spore, ghost volcano/divine shell, spitting ladyladys/bacteria earth, soul carvers, j. marcloid, divine shell/false flag, regospore, kilgore trout/false flag, inappropriate king live/scant, julia ladense/sensible nectar, brandon marshall, justin marc lloyd/thief, collapsed arc/justin marc lloyd, summon thrull, juice machine/pcrv,