direct+effect — similar artists: direct effect, nightmares for a week/banquets, blue snaggletooth, all away lou, static radio, pop unknown, small arms dealer, the color, black numbers, over stars, bright white lightning, static radio nj, gutters, after osmosis, creative adult, captain, we're sinking, grey area/the reveling/the copyrights/luther, banquets, alone in a crowd, focused minds, young statues, the here, pj bond/brian bond, higher giant, rockstar, great lakes usa, weatherbox, we're sinking, lilac daze, supportive parents, best practices, ship thieves, vinnie caruana, no ditching/ baby ghosts, cheap whine, deforesters, spirit crush, bathurst, ihaveaknife, go rydell, feel better, pj bond, restorations, walleater, mayflower, hot knife, miss new buddha, latterman, save ends, the emo diaries, benton falls, camber, red animal war, aficionado, lock and key, the reveling, brandtson,