disguised+malignance — similar artists: décryptal, decaying crypt, unembalmed, abysmalist, congealed putrescence, exsul, reverence to paroxysm, Cystic, mutagenic host, grotesqueries, shapeless being, ritual fog, tumulation, immersed in pain, cryptic dissolution, disengagement, perishing, sigils of ruin, mädätys, kaspyx, noxis/cavern womb, night hag/burial, vaticinal rites, metaphobic, repulsive mass, exaugurate, severed boy, vadiat, carnal ruin, iron tomb, impetuous burial, static abyss, disguised malignance, cadaveric cult, besotten, kontusion, deathcollectoruk, reeking aura, vrenth, pukewraith, coprolith, vile execution, regurgitated guts, weeping slime, gurgling gore, flesher, nogothula, zous, kommand, oreamnos, purulency, flesh crusher, machinations of fate, profane desecration, stench collector, paranoia apparition, atavistic decay,