bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

dogzilla — similar artists: godhead lizard, jerky dirt, great rift, morganthus, from the ages, spirit division, chief of smoke, stone cadaver, fool magician, freebase hyperspace, rascal whack, seer of the void, the moonshine brand, mount soma, fuel eater, disrule, mexicoma, the acid guide service, indus valley kings, the wisdoom, doomicidal, tremor ama, sonic mass, mountain dust, scuzzy yeti, around the fire, animal bizarre, solar mantra, lorekeeper, parasol caravan, weed priest, dryasdust, tuna de tierra, wytchgoat, limestone whale, mammuten, deep space destructors, cult of sorrow, zombie eater, hope hole, bastard lord, bentrees, throneless, burn your highness, elk witch, sorcia, hellas records, shellfin, kayleth, moonwizard, goatsmoke, legba, dying wizard, carcaňo, Dogzilla, lizard queen, deer lord,