dream+vacation — similar artists: black ring rituals records, suspicion 疑惑, monowolf, manchester bulge, piss enema, pretty girl problems, anaru, violent; no regard, empire x infected fetus, prolapi penebroth pivolwart, professor whiskers, ok putrid, salmari, ragk ||| we also let blood, transvirtual tidal being 0003, suweln /// santaka, two coin, stomach(japan), wheelocks latin, Cincinnatus C, aids victim, pregnant spore, dementia and hope trails, covered /// winter, noise corner, e.m. digital spazz unit, man's best friend | dffdl | caleb joyce, widow's bath, contact low, wham-o, vitriol gauge, dream vacation, no123noise, harpin' with corey, rinpingo beesto, help me, picks, haunted panels, incoming stains, nomenia, incendiary cult, justin marc lloyd, water bullet, sword of kahless, dim dusk moving gloom, hope chest, ghost volcano, brandon wald, kilgore trout/false flag, moscow wires, orange shit ball/pregnant spore/1+1=a window, ghost volcano/divine shell, the bohorquez/balogh project, spitting ladyladys/bacteria earth, white dog/pregnant spore, simian washboard, divine shell/justin marc lloyd,