dusktone+-+visceral+introspections — similar artists: grisatre, hanormale, the bishop of hexen, harkane, hovmod, kvalvaag, svartghast, ulvehyrde, cwealm, acrosome, enthroning silence, welter in thy blood, lotus circle, anamnesi, trübe, nifrost, cold body radiation, zustand null, opera ix, black hate, escarre, scuorn, ishvara, aandemaner, cursed cemetery, uburen, brisen, svartelder, svadilfare, terra deep, mare di dirac, borgarting, ghosts of atlantis, phobonoid, iterum nata, livløst, flukt, fedrespor, kraken duumvirate, taur-im-duinath, lebensnacht, saiva, jodöden, lilyum, farsoth, bhleg, Until Death Overtakes Me, black lion records, inexistenz, lost inside, pragnavit, varde, varulv, codex mortis, dråpsnatt, soulcide, gorgon,