earth+of+misery — similar artists: nihilistic vampire, the lichenographer, ald'ruhn, cloakwood, blood sword, wayward shrine, boughs enshrouded, morbærsanger, dungeon wizard, high mage x kletttermax, woods of sith cala, gray friar, pvmkyn mage, fourthpeak, tyrant of gorgon, spectral sorrow, nokturnuus, cavern maze, dusklight, hidden passage, enchanted mail, magic hilt, thalmar, lycan castle, autumn coppice, klyvr, nortmarsh, giardino dei laghi, danielle morbid, old moth dreams, windlance, woodland spells, athshean, anorion, keymage, forsaken keep, pale glim, earthen shield, vaskiterä, candle wizard, wallachian coven, sylvan specter, fovvl mage, mage...or astro-mage?, idylls of the last king, baltaran, crypt mage, freiheit x medwegya, oscuro pipistrello, hexensorrt, strani orizzonti autoproduzioni, forsaken kingdoms, the night keep, moonlit mourning, hillphma moon, hammer & flail recordings, sorrows of the moon,