end+scene — similar artists: visiting diplomats, peach gardens, sean conrad, degree of arc, slow salvation, the beremy jets, 4vesta, rosa beach mason, miniatures, planeta post-rock, Lightfoils, relay tapes, 905 tapes, holy drone, the churchhill garden, the blue herons, rilev, lemondaze, shoe shine six, prepare my glider, t. g. shand, soon, she said, mainlight, pansies, lavender blush, polar lows, zaius, riff fist, the luxembourg signal, sævar jóhansson, pliocene, lost echoes, syupeo jenjang, japanese heart software, trementina, silver dapple, raised by swans, ayahuasca dark trip, the emerald down, color crush, etti/etta, many pretty blooms, glixen, spotlight kid, the great divides, steve kenney, joe bastardo, kate wakefield, atmos bloom, we.the pigs, summer vee, leave the planet, dream room, nobody's flowers, sugar violets, leo mullins, lost ships,