falling+through+the+center+of+the+earth — similar artists: the hopewell furnace, dawn of dementia, falling through the center of the earth, the overmind, dream void, the odious construct, a night in the abyss, kossuth, a trust unclean, blind oracle, depths of hatred, lever of archimedes, man made god, ominous ruin, hatalom, zac leaser, cognizance, pronostic, nexilva, cannibal grandpa, samskarasmetal, before the harvest, xenobiotic, brought by pain, proliferation, carrion vael, vena sera, writhen, endless affliction, virial, wastewalker, where deprivation lies, decimated humans, conducting from the grave, vitrified entity, one more victim, bind the sacrifice, human improvement process, foreboding ether, unflesh, aeons of corruption, i, detest, shattered horizons, demon king, dark matter secret, undisclosed dimensions, timeless wounds, littledidweknow, dawn of leviathan, i, valiance, to obey a tyrant, the hudson horror, altered perceptions, solus ex inferis, fractalline, disrupting the abacus, sensory amusia,