fat+web — similar artists: hartley c. white, martyr group, jimmie packard, heat wilson, nals goring, jo miller-gamble, sord, better psychics, mark beer, marlon cherry, bruce hart, r. hundro, frank kogan, cohort, blanche blanche blanche, hellier ulysses, ben lawless, JPS, flaming dragons of middle earth, zach phillips, haord records, fat web, Babe City Records, big french, tender cruncher, my idea, cop city/chill pillars, dan talbot, chris weisman, ruth garbus, nick bisceglia, omeed, the natural scene, earth flower, the shaggs, old maybe, macula dog, lily and horn horse, birthing hips, baggie, kurt weisman, Ko T. C., jadelain, zannie, ryan power, katie bejsiuk, cheap meat, duro double life, Yves Jarvis, Korea Undok Group, union of musicians and allied workers, lilith outcome, boothe, vegetators, itch princess, beatles hc, jolee gordon,