flex+13 — similar artists: exploding mind, pete hope's exploding mind, pete hope, wrong revolution, hope/collins, peter hope, criminal face, p. hope, david e. williams, veil of thorns, heavy electricity, collins/hope/infanti, choronzon, ph2, ex.mind, pete hope/noscene, fleshpress, not now, alice dreamt, hope jasnoch redundant realities, anarchist republic of bzzz, flex 13, invisible illusion, Infinitefreefall, closed circuits, p. emerson williams, Yeah But No, thomas nöla, CHESTER LOCKHART, the impending adorations, xenarch, the bone orchestra, the jonathan s. podmore method, alden groves, poisonous birds, BaseFace, hch, basheskia & edward eq, leo fazio, the authoritarian, tonttu, TYLER MATTHEW OYER, no scene, thomas nöla et son orchestre, shangri-lies, uncomely, ryder houston, frege, tonttu - fahl - p. emerson williams, ı▼ık-†▲n†r▲, jonny sonic, molodoys, hedz jellmo, nrec, johann heyss, kylan harv, supermonkey death grip,