foma+fomic — similar artists: foma fomic, viking grooves, fragile souls, vexovoid, simon c wright, hatalom, anakim, sonivinos, for ukraine: metal against war, lord crow, kossuth, vanquishor, unflesh, Caratucay, brought by pain, dream void, dawn of dementia, proliferation, toxic carnage, solus ex inferis, the odious construct, virial, zac leaser, where deprivation lies, pronostic, terbiocide, cult of lilith, eartheria, symbolik, hatred reigns, exalter, chaos sanctuary, samskarasmetal, raster density, carrion vael, apotheon, mephistophelian, ugo pard, cognizance, hollow world, shardborne, soreption, charnel, endless affliction, hate seed, mordant rapture, the arbitrary, poison the preacher, apogean, the beast of nod, virvum, gourmand, critical extravasation, disassembled, undisclosed dimensions, kingcrow, dark matter secret,