four+hours+sleep — similar artists: popboomerang, four hours sleep, rob snarski | snarskicircuslindyband, sweet jean, snarskicircuslindyband, alannah russack, sound as ever (australian indie 90-99), lost ragas, the sand pebbles, rob snarski and his so-called friends, charles jenkins, ron s peno and the superstitions, eaten by dogs, the zhivagos, melbourne in 60 seconds, the silversound, the darling downs, gilt trip, mimi gilbert, high dependency unit, mike noga, the spinning rooms, the ronson hangup, liz stringer, last leaves, alister spence trio with ed kuepper, stephen cummings, ashley naylor, cam butler, ron peno, buddy miller, the blackeyed susans, brett myers, philippa nihill, mick thomas' roving commission, totally mild, bobby birdhouse, rob snarski, opelousas, the amateur historians, douglas lee robertson, steve kilbey, amaya laucirica, the glory box, noises, raised by eagles, mercator projection, adam gibson, june jones, the killjoys, j.p. shilo, pony face records, ed kuepper, mark snarski, am & shawn lee, leanne, brighter later,