frondibus — similar artists: glories, audiolepsia, magma waves, soonago, signals to vega, feed me to the waves, locomotora, legendary skies, tidings, moons eat stars, all we expected, degree of arc, sagor som leder mot slutet, planeta post-rock, then they flew, homeless atlantic, sleepstream, astodan, augure, böira, Post-rock PL, we came from the north, post-engineering, endless dive, Vy Pole, sleeping bear, first came the shadow, to sail beyond the sun, celestial wolves, the sun burns bright, doomina, movement of static, the shaking sensations, far behind the sun, sora shima, all you've seen, moonlit sailor, man mountain, piece of sky - native expectation, ocean districts, bend the sky, allora mis, dayluta means kindness, glasir, carved into the sun, tsima, myriad drone, sleevenotes, a film in color, Baulta, The End Of The Ocean,, girih, fifth quadrant, wanheda, hyedra, mesozoic,