gerbera — similar artists: bloated kat records, jabber/science police, the punchlines, lipstick homicide/billy raygun, like bats, dead north/strong city, mikey erg/barrakuda mcmurder, rational anthem, harsh times, fraser murderburger, science police, pavid vermin, the headies, skinny genes, whimsyland, post modern affairs, maiden mars, robot bachelor, topbunk, gerbera, grath madden, kane and the stubborn stains, jabber, don blake, house boat, mikey erg, the young leaves, batfoot!, starry nights, the turkletons, the steinways, piggies, the varsity weirdos, the dopamines, heavy pockets, maisonette, royal roads, tv cop, lipstick homicide, seattle fucking supersonics, the sad tomorrows, exmaid, chris pierce, nervous triggers, barrakuda mcmurder, heavy lag, weird skin, death kill overdrive, miniature american flags, teenage woman, faux replika, varsity weirdos, the popsters, hatrabbits, the maxies, teenage bigfoot, short attention,