gold+class — similar artists: Gold Class, moody beaches, mere women, wet lips, no sister, hexdebt, brick head, the peep tempel, noir for rachel, spiritual mafia, pale heads, cash savage and the last drinks, shepparton airplane, cable ties, the stabs, the spinning rooms, loose fit, emma russack & lachlan denton, mike noga, married man, pel mel, totally mild, moon rituals, batpiss, lost animal, tape/off, deaf wish, bonnie mercer/tom lyngcoln, east brunswick all girls choir, new war, fraser a. gorman, flaamingos, a. swayze and the ghosts, phantastic ferniture, HOBBLEDEHOY, thirty days of yes, ganser, tv haze, phil & the tiles, rot tv, golden syrup, tyrannamen, the nation blue, big scary, black wire records, romeo moon, the tissues, drug sweat, sachet, display homes, mesa cosa, body type, brian henry hooper, tom lyngcoln, day ravies, lachlan denton, little ugly girls,