granddad — similar artists: yr poetry, Counter Intuitive Records, granddad, yr friends, curtail, north of america, the velvet teen, skatune network, tsosis, justin courtney pierre, really rad records, up up down down left right left right b a start, shag lab, phony, no earbuds!, cool american, yankee bluff, freezing cold, chris orrick, queen moo, the superweaks, curling, bilmuri, Sunshine Frisbee Laserbeam, campfire social, swiss army wife, via luna, texas 3000, eerie gaits, dust star, hodera, termination dust, johnny football hero, runaround kids, commander salamander, barney cortez, personal space, teenage cool kids, super american, skeletal lightning, spirit night, double grave, saturdays at your place, terminal crush, heavenly creature x goldmold, cataracts, summerman, friend club records, provide, ntvty, post-skeleton, safe bet, dirt money, ray gun solace, arizona landmine, winnebago vacation, what gives,