grimheart — similar artists: salqiu, transcending rites, zwiespalt, lidelse, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, sebastián crugley, somnium nox, d'un autre temps, a magnificent cold, boru, msrblflr, fortress of the olden days, 0-nun, Zeugen der Leere, grotesque shades, kádmos, bál, petrale, mysterious castle, maieutiste, solus grief, psionic madness, coldcell, da voile, 1941, ovερδοκκσε, zakaz, bræ, hrast, buer's rugiet, nirrti, heaume mortal, dispar, gaktungar, dark east productions, alldrig, messiah in the abyss, tausendstern, ratos psíquicos, nexus clandestine, blurr thrower, symbol of domination prod., wiedergänger, steingrab, goddamn gringos, trauer, out of the mouth of graves, brucia records, thermohaline, liminal dream, sapientia diaboli, vølus, freitod zeremonie, kade storm, nihilsect, glemsel, hellcraft,