head+to+wall — similar artists: method of doubt, ekulu, enemic interior, bug central, xbrainiax, fxpxox, mehkago n.t., charogne stone, power alone, sex prisoner, deathrats, blow your brains out, soldier's disease, To Live A Lie Records, final draft, mind as prison, petite, last straw, berthold city, i object, dominant force, enact, magnum force, conga fury, time to heal, sakatat, rhino charge, malpractice insurance, lxexaxrxnx, dos amigos, teeny tiny records, terminal youth, hip cops, downtrodden, bloody phoenix, axed up conformist, glue traps, axrxmx, athrenody, arctic choke, escuela, malparido, the q factor, crypt hammer, chest pain, ringer, tired of everything, Magrudergrind, Lumpen, jodie faster x genital jiggling, 鏡(kagami), Cultdreams, get destroyed, rule them all, the rival mob, constant elevation, never ending game,