heart+dance+records — similar artists: evergreen avenue, diskont, james parrott, cartel client, alec critten, out of hell, the slow taste of night air, slithering black records, rojinski, the ambient fish society, thom brennan, death on cassette, lord gorgoroth, iron cthulhu apocalypse, Louigi Verona, m. beckmann, torus dome, allyourbasearebelongtous, lord cernunnos, the volume settings folder, dc 1057, dark lord morgoth, shimapan society, the wired, tribunal vampirism kvlt, the winterhouse, omensworn, ghost on this earth, distorted faith, circle of pines, the cremant, thalios creative sounds, the soviet space dog project, she is not alone, her menacing pet, cyclical fest, phillip wilkerson & chris russell, The Itzamna Collective, cosmic lace on broken bones, baintsí, meg bowles, Envelope Muse, ambient online, domkyrka, archean nights, all things dead, robert davies, reality scruncher, kubusschnitt, nunc stans, chuck van zyl, american astro monkey project, simon wilkinson, crypthios, ghost failure, Weareallghosts, the rosenshoul,