heosphoros — similar artists: bit crushed, Laffe the Fox, rubrk, bleeplove, sindravania projects, reboot me, viking guitar productions, robot orgy massacre, viking guitar live, munzadeth, nmlstyl, Cyanide Dansen, the runaway four, DEFENSE MECHANISM, viking guitar, i set my pixels on fire, alexogre, warez waldo, don'tblinkoryou'lldie, marshall art, cheap dinosaurs, vic viper, tkmt, business pastel, sudstep, run! run! jump! punch!, mega beardo, ian cowell, ap0c, chiptune cares, chiptunes4autism, wasd, pouale, heosphoros, doomcloud, theophagus, super madnes, recreational episiotomy, bryface, astro the fox, hemostat, mig50, guérin, joshquery, krvkt, the soundry courter project, vgm series, erichwk, gesceap, lonelyrollingstars, brick brker, xoc, Game Genie Sokolov, Tobokegao, chrome cobra, pisser-500, prof.sakamoto,