in+school — similar artists: in school, larma, exxxon, suck lords, personal damage, blazing eye, Lumpen, lebenden toten, mundo primitivo, farmaco, perra vida, table sugar, product lust, sick head, non plus temps, primitive fucking ballers, horrendous 3d, maladia, ribbon stage, young trynas, good throb, insane urge, cold meat, the yeasties, cb radio gorgeous, vivisected numbskulls, scrap brain, narrow adventure, fucking, ibex clone, bad anxiety, cexcrime, soakie, khiis, septic yanks, material support, gumming, editrix, vittna, invertebrates, sorrows nyxhc, sbsm, stunted youth, exotica, fried e/m, ritual control, ztuped, new bloods, iss, motor corp, hounds of war, gay kiss, blood ties, mysterious skin, arrêt, kohti tuhoa, necro heads,