infra+violet — similar artists: see thomas howl, Parralox, mark bebb, ZXSP, strike eagle, the state of synth, cottage cult, ricky wilde, vh x rr, CoolAm7, darwinmcd, Beckett., primo the alien, xennon, blaklight, ghosthost, Dimi Kaye, midnight fury, Maxthor, jetfire prime, RetroReverbRecords, cece peniston vs the human league, advection stride, laura dre, eric c. powell + andrea powell, night leather, Gab Manette, neon arcadia, Watch Out For Snakes, thorisson, C Z A R I N A, 24 of the synthwave scene best artists including : timecop1983, platronic, JNNY COBRA, eric c. powell, kresko, m.k. khan, rocket report, jonny fallout, Starfarer, The Neon Droid, thought beings, lazy laser, zenith volt, huguenot, cffndrggr, honey beard, christopher anton, ryan rose, nature of wires ft stephen newton, eightecs, matthias & marss, kosmic kiss, syst3m glitch, gardeon, Vosto, neuroactive,